still winter

This year's winter came quite late and the temperature has been pretty unstable. It should be at ending phase but no, it is still not. I've had enough time dressing up or rather getting covered in jackets and coats. I can't wait for spring! I could have so much more different outfits to brighten up my day! And not forgetting arm candies and necklaces to add on the magic.

I have sort of made my decision, a pretty significant decision to direct my life. I miss home, I miss where I belong to. Almost couldn't believe how much I miss the feeling of belonging, given how much I love everything Melbourne has to offer me and independence I have in my soul. But people change, don't we? Hopefully I will fill up my eagerness while I have time and financial ability over here, to take steps closer to my dream. I wish I could go all out for it, yet I can't even though I've set a timeframe for myself here. I guess everything need some sacrifices?

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